Connections / Adapters

Universal Connection: A 8274 UK

The Universal Connection A 8274 UK, certified according to DIN ISO 9001, allows the
efficient connection of keyboard connection lugs. The test system (e.g. the Keyboard Test
System A8274 B, Insulation Resistance Measurement Unit A 8274 IW or the Force /
Displacement Test System A 8274 KW) is connected via the Connecting Cable A 8274 AA-UK and the selected adapter (Connection Adapter A 8274 AA, Connection Adapter
A 8274 AA-IW or Universal Connection Adapter A 8274 UAA16).
System features and advantages:
* safe and accurate connection on the conducting track because of spring-loaded
   connector pins
* low transition resistance because of gold contacts
* efficient because of quick connection of the conducting tracks
* quick and accurate positioning of the connection lugs
* connector pins changeable (not with grid 1.25 mm)
* easily to operate
Extend of delivery:
* Universal Connection A 8274 UK
* Connecting cable A 8274 AA-UK

Universal Connection: A 8274 UK II

The Universal Connection A 8274 UK II, certified according to DIN ISO 9001, allows the
efficient connection of membrane keyboards with foil connection lugs. The test system (e.g. the Keyboard Test System A8274 B, Insulation Resistance Measurement Unit A 8274 IW or the Force / Displacement Test System A 8274 KW) is connected via the Connecting Cable A 8274 AA-UK and the selected adapter (Connection Adapter A 8274 AA, Connection Adapter
A 8274 AA-IW or Universal Connection Adapter A 8274 UAA16).
System features and advantages:
* connection of keyboards with two overlapping connection lugs
* connection of keyboards with parallel connection lugs
* safe and accurate connection on the conducting track because of spring-loaded
   connector pins
* low transition resistance because of gold contacts
* efficient because of quick connection of the conducting tracks
* quick and accurate positioning of the connection lugs
* connector pins changeable (not with grid 1.25 mm)
* easily to operate
* several universal connections can be connected one after the other
Extend of delivery:
* Universal Connection A 8274 UK II
* Connecting cable A 8274 AA-UK II

Connection Adapter: A 8274 AA

The Connection Adapter A 8274 AA, certified according to DIN ISO 9001, allows the keyboard specific electrical adaptation of any kind of keyboards to the Keyboard Test System A 8274 B. Furthermore it is possible to connect the same keyboard to
the Force / Displacement Measurement System A 8274 KW.
System features and advantages:
* easily adaptable of any kind of keyboard to the Keyboard Test System A 8274 B
* connectable to the Force / Displacement Measurement System A 8274 KW
   without further adaptations
* easily connectable to the Universal Connection A 8274 UK for the adaptation of
   connection lugs
* small dimensions
* quick change over to other adapters and keyboards
Extend of delivery:
* Adapter A 8274 AA
* 25 wire Connector A 8274 AAS long
* 25 wire Connector A 8274 AAS short

Universal Connection Adapter: A 8274 UAA

The Universal Connection Adapter A 8274 UAA, certified according to DIN ISO 9001, allows the keyboard specific electrical adaptation of connecting cables, any kind of keyboards
(max 16 cables) to meet the pin layout of the Keyboard Test System A 8274 B.
Furthermore it is possible to connect the same keyboard to the Force / Displacement
Measurement System A 8274 KW. To guarantee quick change overs, masks of every
keyboard can be created.
System features and advantages:
* easily adaptable of any kind of keyboard to the Keyboard Test System A 8274 B
* connectable to the Force / Displacement Measurement System A 8274 KW
   without further adaptations
* easily connectable to the Universal Connection A 8274 UK for the adaptation of
   connection lugs
* small dimensions
* quick change over via masks to other keyboards
Extend of delivery:
* Universal Connection Adapter A 8274 UAA
* 10 masks A 8274 UAAM-16
Universal Measurement Adapter:  8010
The Universal Measurement Adapter 8010, certified according to DIN ISO 9001, enables
problem free precision measurement of all axial and radial lead configured components,
such as resistors, capacitors rectifiers, transistors and diodes. Melf and Minimelf chips such
as SOT-23, SOT-143 and SOT-89 can also be easily contacted. The measurement adapter
can be connected to all measurement instruments such as LCR, multimeters, signal generators, oscilloscopes etc. and guarantees problem free contacting.
System features and advantages:
* can be connected to all measurement instruments
* interchangeable test sockets
* shielded housing
* accurate measurement due to precise connection to the components
* 4 pole (Kelvin) contacts for axial and radial components
* Kelvin contacts for components with min. lead lengths from 2.5 mm
* Kelvin contacts for components with min. distance between leads from 1 mm
* heat resistant isolated housing up to 130C  (burn in applications)
* testing of belted components with min. gap of 5 mm
* reliable and easy handling
* wear resistant and self cleaning
* negligible contact resistance from component to instrument
* accurate measurements up to 100 kHz

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